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Elder Justice Coalition 

Elder Justice Coalition members


VISION: A just society that treats older adults with respect. 

MISSION: To prevent elder abuse and promote elder justice through collaboration, advocacy, education and intervention.


  1. We value the right of elders to live with dignity, free of abuse, neglect and exploitation. 
  2. We value safety, self-determination and cultural diversity by serving without judgment. 
  3. We value lifelong learning and commit to educating ourselves and the community we serve. 
  4. We value intergenerational efforts of agencies and individuals to advocate for and with elders in our society. 

The Elder Justice Coalition collaborates to provide an enhanced community response to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. This is done through a focus on prevention strategies, public advocacy initiatives, innovative intervention models and coordinated outreach and training.  

Members of the Elder Justice Coalition meet monthly to increase awareness about abuse in later life and to develop resources for our community. The group consists of service providers and community members.  If interested, click HERE to contact the coalition coordinator.

For more helpful information, visit our Elder Resources & Links page and our Annual Elder Abuse Conference page.